Our Curriculum
Hogarth Primary School seeks to develop our children’s learning potential so that they become respectful, responsible, reflective and resilient learners. Our vision, aims and values seek to develop caring, considerate, compassionate individuals who aim to achieve their personal best in whatever they do. As a school, we are passionate about teaching and learning, committed to children achieving their full potential and determined to provide innovative and inspirational learning opportunities to ensure that our pupils can become the best that they can be.
As a school, we recognise that our aims and values can only be achieved through parents/carers, children and staff discovering, exploring and learning together.
Intent, Implementation, Impact
Subject Leaders
Maths - Mrs C Connor / Mrs J Carey
English - Mrs M Higgs
EYFS Phonics - Mrs C Butler
KS1 Phonics - Miss K Clarkson
RE - Miss L Smartt
Science - Mrs J Creasey
PE - Mr C Grimme-Yexley
Computing - Miss K Clarkson
History - Mr Watson
Geography - Miss S Angeli
PSHE and RSE - Mrs C Connor
Art - Mrs A Hassall
DT - Mrs C Kemp
Music - Mrs L King
French - Mrs J Creasey
If you have any queries regarding any of the subjects, please contact the subject leader by email.
Email: admin@hogarth.essex.sch.uk
Curriculum Teams
At Hogarth Primary School, it is our intention that all stakeholders will become part of our established curriculum teams. The purpose behind having Curriculum Teams is -
- To contribute to the monitoring and evaluation of the curriculum and wider provision in school.
- To increase staff voice and ownership of curriculum aspects and wider provision.
- To improve communication.
- To involve all stakeholders in shaping and evaluating the whole school development plan.
Our Curriculum
Curriculum Equality Statement
Hogarth Primary School is a fully inclusive school, committed to the wellbeing and progress of every child. We have high expectations of all our children, including those with Special Educational Needs or a Disability (SEND). We work hard to ensure that all pupils can achieve and participate in every aspect of school life. Wherever possible, children with SEND are taught within the classroom through high quality teaching and the use of manipulatives and visual resources. On occasion, a child may also need to be taught through personalised programmes, possibly with an LSA or other professional. Children who are on our SEND register will have an individual plan that is overseen by our SENDCo, Mrs King.
Our commitment to equal opportunities is an important aspect of our overall commitment to be a fully inclusive school.
Hogarth Primary School aims to:
- Provide a curriculum which promotes the whole school ethos of inclusion and equality for the whole school community;
- Ensure that all children have equal access to the curriculum and are able to achieve the best possible outcomes;
- Provide a quality learning experience for each child in which all adults actively promote equality, inclusion and a celebration of diversity.
If you have any concerns regarding your child’s learning, please contact your child’s class teacher who will be happy to speak with you and work in partnership to achieve the best possible outcomes for your child.
X (formally Twitter)
To keep up to date with all the curricular and extra-curricular opportunities we have to offer our children here at Hogarth Primary School, check out our X (formally Twitter) page @HogarthPS.