If you are interested in a place for your child at Hogarth Primary School, either in Year R or any other Year Group, we strongly recommend that you visit the school for a tour with the Headteacher.
Admission Arrangements
Admissions Policy and Criteria for Academic Year 2024/25
Admissions Policy and Criteria for Academic Year 2025/26
Admissions Policy and Criteria for Academic Year 2026/27
Check if you are in the priority admissions area using the Essex priority admission catchment area finder via this link.
If you would like further information or would like to book an appointment to view the school, please call the School Office on 01277 212216 or send an email to
Applying for a place in Year R
Applications for children starting school in Year R must be made to Essex County Council via this link.
In-Year Admissions
If you need to make an application in-year, please use the below form and email it to
In Year Admission Application Form
Admission Outside Normal Age Gap
If you need to make an application outside of normal age group, please use the below form and email it to
Admission Outside Normal Age Group
If you are unsuccessful in securing a place for your child, you have the right to appeal that decision. All admissions appeals (including in-year admissions appeals) for Hogarth Primary School are managed by the Statutory Appeal Team at Essex County Council. An online form and other relevant information, is available to you via this link. Key dates are as follows: